Source code for repomate_junit4._junit4_runner

import pathlib
import tempfile
import re
import sys
import subprocess
import os
import contextlib
from typing import Tuple, Optional

import daiquiri

from repomate_plug import Status

from repomate_junit4 import _java

LOGGER = daiquiri.getLogger(__file__)
HAMCREST_JAR = "hamcrest-core-1.3.jar"
JUNIT_JAR = "junit-4.12.jar"

grant codeBase "file:{junit4_jar_path}" {{
    permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessDeclaredMembers";

[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def security_policy(classpath: str, active: bool): """Yield the path to the default security policy file if ``active``, else yield None. The policy file is deleted once the context is exited. TODO: Make it possible to use a custom security policy here. """ if not active: LOGGER.warning( "Security policy disabled, student code running without " "restrictions" ) yield return with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as security_policy_file: policy = _generate_default_security_policy(classpath) security_policy_file.write( policy.encode(encoding=sys.getdefaultencoding()) ) security_policy_file.flush() yield pathlib.Path(
def _generate_default_security_policy(classpath: str) -> str: """Generate the default security policy from the classpath. ``junit-4.12.jar`` must be on the classpath. """ escaped_junit_jar = JUNIT_JAR.replace(".", r"\.") pattern = "[^{sep}]*{junit_jar}".format( sep=os.pathsep, junit_jar=escaped_junit_jar ) junit_jar_matches =, classpath) if not junit_jar_matches: raise ValueError("{} not on the classpath".format(JUNIT_JAR)) path = return _DEFAULT_SECURITY_POLICY_TEMPLATE.format(junit4_jar_path=path)
[docs]def get_num_failed(test_output: bytes) -> int: """Get the amount of failed tests from the error output of JUnit4.""" decoded = test_output.decode(encoding=sys.getdefaultencoding()) match ="Failures: (\d+)", decoded) # TODO this is a bit unsafe, what if there is no match? return int(
[docs]def parse_failed_tests(test_output: bytes) -> str: """Return a list of test failure descriptions, excluding stack traces.""" decoded = test_output.decode(encoding=sys.getdefaultencoding()) return re.findall( r"^\d\) .*(?:\n(?!\s+at).*)*", decoded, flags=re.MULTILINE )
def _extract_conforming_package(test_class, prod_class): """Extract a package name from the test and production class. Raise if the test class and production class have different package statements. """ test_package = _java.extract_package(test_class) prod_package = _java.extract_package(prod_class) if test_package != prod_package: msg = ( "Test class {} in package {}, but class {} in package {}" ).format(, test_package,, prod_package) raise ValueError(msg) return test_package
[docs]def run_test_class( test_class: pathlib.Path, prod_class: pathlib.Path, classpath: str, verbose: bool = False, security_policy: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Run a single test class on a single production class. Args: test_class: Path to a Java test class. prod_class: Path to a Java production class. classpath: A classpath to use in the tests. verbose: Whether to output more failure information. Returns: () """ package = _extract_conforming_package(test_class, prod_class) prod_class_dir = _java.extract_package_root(prod_class, package) test_class_dir = _java.extract_package_root(test_class, package) test_class_name =[ : -len(test_class.suffix) ] # remove .java test_class_name = _java.fqn(package, test_class_name) classpath = _java.generate_classpath( test_class_dir, prod_class_dir, classpath=classpath ) command = ["java"] if security_policy: command += [ "", "{!s}".format(security_policy), ] command += [ "-cp", classpath, "org.junit.runner.JUnitCore", test_class_name, ] proc = command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) return _extract_results(proc, test_class_name, verbose)
def _extract_results( proc: subprocess.CompletedProcess, test_class_name: str, verbose: bool ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Extract and format results from a completed test run.""" if proc.returncode != 0: status = Status.ERROR msg = "Test class {} failed {} tests".format( test_class_name, get_num_failed(proc.stdout) ) if verbose: msg += os.linesep + os.linesep.join( parse_failed_tests(proc.stdout) ) else: msg = "Test class {} passed!".format(test_class_name) status = Status.SUCCESS return status, msg